The Post-Pill Acne Recovery Guide (e-Book download)

The Post-Pill Acne Recovery Guide (e-Book download)


This e-Book is for you if you are:

Wanting to come off the pill:

If you are wanting to come off the pill but are terrified of your acne returning with a vengeance... This Recovery Guide includes all the things you can do to minimise Post-Pill Acne. I made sure to include everything I wish I had known!

Suffering from Post-Pill Acne:

I've been there - Post-Pill acne can be horrific, demoralising, detrimental to your self-confidence and the way you engage with your life. This guide is designed to help you understand and address the drivers or Post-Pill Acne and give you the tools to support your emotional and mental health too.

Needing expert nutritional tips & practical ways to support your skin’s healing:

The information in this guide is applicable to all types and causes of acne! I guarantee that you will learn something new. I treat acne all day long and have had my own journey too. I've done the research, had the experience and now I've written this guide for you!

What’s inside?
• Getting to know what’s actually going on with your skin after the pill (everything you hoped your doctor would explain to you)
• Finding the key drivers behind your acne so you don’t have to guess
• Easy to digest info about how blood sugar, inflammation, diet and stress impacts post-pill acne
• Nutritional gold nuggets and how to support your hormones and skin after the pill
• Free recipes and meal inspiration
• Beyond diet ~ learn about skin loving nutrients, how they help and what to look for in a supplement
• Rituals that you can do at home for free to take better care of your skin, support lymphatic drainage and fade scars!
• How to work on accepting and loving your skin even with break outs

BONUS ~ Seed cycling guide for hormonal balance

All the things I wish I’d known for just $27.95!

*** Please note that the link to download the e-Book is located on your screen after check out on the ‘order confirmed’ page (you do not receive an email with the PDF attached)

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