Terms & Conditions

Hello! The websites www.lexiemcphee.com and www.lexiemcphee.teachable.com and www.lexiemcpheecourses.com.au have been created by me, Lexie McPhee (BhSc Naturopathy) ABN 79 201 845 127 under the trading name Naturopathy with Lexie. The easiest way to get in touch if you have any questions is by email hello@naturopathywithlexie.com. Alternatively, jump on the ‘Contact’ page to send an enquiry!

By visiting these websites or purchasing any services/products/programs/online courses or digital products you agree to these Terms & Conditions. These Terms & Conditions outline my responsibilities to you as well as your responsibilities to me, under Australian Consumer Law. Please take the time to have a read so that you are aware of these responsibilities. If you do not agree with these Terms & Conditions please do not continue to visit this website nor make any purchases from Naturopathy with Lexie.

As an Australian qualified clinical Naturopath I am committed to the Code of Conduct for unregistered health practitioners. The Code of Conduct for unregistered health practitioners is available to view at the bottom of this page.


On this website you may find blog articles, tips, information regarding natural therapies and other information pertaining to natural health products and services. This information is provided solely for educational purposes and to inform the public regarding my products and services. This website and the information provided on this website is not intended as medical advice or to diagnose/treat. Please contact me if you wish to discuss any specific personal health concerns, or seek the advice of a medical professional.

My Rights & Responsibilities:

The information provided on this website has been attained as part of my BhSc. Naturopathy in addition to comprehensive personal research. However, I am only one human and we all are capable of making mistakes! If you notice something that does not appear to be accurate please feel free to contact me. I reserve the right to alter or delete any content displayed on this website at any time, without notice. All content displayed on these websites is mine unless otherwise stated.

Responsibilities of the Visitor:

The use of any information provided on this website is the sole responsibility of the user. You are completely responsible for what you view on the internet at large, as well as this website. The content on this website has been published for a general audience - you should always seek personalised health advice from a health professional before taking any action on your health.

External Links:

Occasionally I may post links to external sources in order to enhance the content provided on this website. I am not responsible for any content available via external links nor do I have any personal or financial relationship with these sources. I do not endorse any products or services such sources may have for sale.

Intellectual Property:

Every word you read on this website has been written by me. Every word and video that you see on www.lexiemcphee.teachable.com or www.lexiemcpheecourses.com.au in Confident & Clear or other online course/program has been created by me. If I have used an external source, this will be acknowledged. Please respect the information and content that have taken me many years to collate - do not in any way copy my work or display it as your own. I am more than willing to share my content if you would like to use it on social media, however please clearly acknowledge me and my work by accompanying my work with my name and a link back to my website/social media pages. Let’s share the love! All of my courses, products and programs (in addition to my business name, tagline and logo) are unregistered trademarks and should you attempt to pass them off as your own, I reserve the right to take legal action.

Payment Terms:

Online Consultations & Prescription Products

Pre-payment for services and products including consultations can be made securely via Stripe through the bookings page on this website. Pre-payment is required for Initial Consultations and for appointments made through my bookings page. If pre-payment is not made, you will be issued an invoice after the service has taken place for the cost of the consultation and any other services rendered. You will also be invoiced for any prescription products.

Invoices should be paid within 24 hours of receipt. After 7 days you will be sent a reminder email. If payment is not made after 7 days, you will receive a reminder email weekly thereafter and at the 14 day mark you will incur an administration fee of $27.50. For each reminder that is sent (weekly) an additional administration fee of $27.50 will be added to your invoice total.

If you are having difficulty paying the invoice please contact me so that we can resolve the issue and to avoid incurring the administration fee of $27.50 .

Please treat your invoice like any other payment and pay promptly for the service you have received.

Online Programs and Courses including Confident & Clear

Payment for online courses and programs including Confident & Clear can be made securely via PayPal or Stripe through the check out page available at enrolment on www.lexiemcpheecourses.com.au. Pre-payment is required before commencing any of my online courses or programs. There is a pay-in-full option and a payment plan option.

Pay-in-full: The total investment must be made before commencing the program.

Payment-plan: An up-front payment of the first instalment must be made prior to commencing the program. You will be automatically charged (via Stripe or PayPal) the remaining instalments every four (4) weeks until the total investment has been made. If your payment is denied due to insufficient funds, the attempt will be made again. Please ensure that you have sufficient funds in your account to avoid cessation of access to Confident & Clear. If payment defaults three times your subscription to Confident & Clear will automatically be cancelled and will not be recovered. If you lose access to Confident & Clear due to absent payment you are not entitled to access the remainder of the program, attend Zoom support calls nor are you entitled to a refund of any instalments already made. I offer payment plans in order to improve accessibility for all willing participants so please respect this and make timely payments.

You will be issued an invoice for payments made (and if you do not receive this please contact me at hello@naturopathywithlexie.com and I can send through manually)

Online Store

Payments made through my online store are secure via Stripe. Payments made for consultations or other services provided may be required up front. Payments can be made at time of booking through my bookings page which is linked with SimpleClinic software. I also accept payments to my NAB account.

If you wish to make a payment via direct deposit you must notify me by email at hello@naturopathywithlexie.com with your name, contact details and details of your purchase. I will then provide written confirmation of the purchase and provide my banking details.

Delivery of goods:

Physical products purchased on this website are delivered by Australia Post Parcel Post. Products are shipped within 1-2 business days of purchase.

Consultations & Treatment Packages

Payments made online are securely processed via Stripe. Payments for consultations and packages can also be paid via bank transfer to my NAB account - please contact me for these details if required. Payments can be made up-front at the time of booking. For ongoing payments or for payments that need to be made post-consultation, you will receive an invoice that can be paid using a credit/debit card or by bank transfer.

If purchasing a treatment package, you agree to:

a) Pay the entire cost of the treatment package (either up front or via the payment plan option)

b) Make payments on time if following a payment plan (within 24 hours of invoice receipt)

c) Honour the payment plan and make full payment, even if you choose not to attend consultations or complete the treatment package (for rescheduling of appointments refer to the cancellation policy below)

d) Take responsibility for your treatment outcomes, attend the consultations and adhere to the treatment recommendations to the best of your ability

Comments and feedback:

Is welcomed! I am always trying to improve the way I do things. If you would like to make a comment, provide constructive feedback or a review of my services, please do so by sending an email to hello@naturopathywithlexie.com or through the contact page. I will always ask your permission before sharing any reviews, through any channel.

Cancellation & Refund Policy

Cancellations of Naturopathic Consultations

I require 48 hours notice for any cancellations to avoid the cost of a cancellation fee. Cancellations within 48 hours of the agreed appointment time will be charged a cancellation fee equal to 50% of the consultation fee. Cancellations within 12 hours will incur 100% of the consultation fee. This is at my discretion - please provide the reason for your cancellation. It is the responsibility of the client to keep appointments and provide notice as early as possible if rescheduling is required.

Rescheduling consultations

Please provide 48 hours notice should you need to reschedule an appointment, to avoid the cancellation fees outlined above. I will endeavour to reschedule your appointment to the soonest, mutually convenient time.

If I cancel on you…

If for any reason I realise that I cannot make a scheduled consultation, I will provide as much notice as humanly possible and probably apologise a little too much. Obviously in this case you will not be charged a cancellation fee, and we will reschedule to a mutually convenient time. This includes consultations within treatment packages.

Refunds for consultations, prescription products, herbal tinctures, testing services and treatment packages

I am unable to provide a refund for any testing or services after the time that they have been provided. For example, after a consultation has already been provided and paid for. Refunds are not available on the purchase of Treatment Packages, regardless of whether they are paid for up-front or via a payment plan. Refunds are not available for prescription products. Refunds are not available for herbal tinctures.

For physical products purchased on this website

Please note that refunds are not available for change of mind. Client satisfaction is important to me. If you have purchased a product from my store and are not happy with the physical condition of the product, please contact me by email within 24 hours of receiving the item so that we can discuss a solution. Aside from the above, no other refunds are available.

For digital products purchased on this website including Confident & Clear online program

Please note that refunds are not available for change of mind. Client satisfaction is important to me. If you have purchased an online course or program from www.lexiemcpheecourses.com.au or www.lexiemcphee.teachable.com and are not satisfied with the product, please contact me by email within 14 days of accessing the program so that we can discuss a solution. Aside from the above, no other refunds are available once the program has been purchased and accessed.

Obligation of means

I approach my online courses and programs with an obligation of means. I am obligated (and delighted) to provide you with education, my knowledge, resources, guidance and advice around supplements. The rest is up to you! You are responsible for the results and outcome of your experience in the program, dependent on your willingness and ability to take on and implement the suggestions I make. It’s like buying a kayak - I provide you with the vessel and paddle (but I can’t paddle you across the lake!) Please do not hesitate to contact me at hello@naturopathywithlexie.com if you have concerns or need support whilst undertaking any of my online courses or programs. I want to see you succeed!

Privacy & Confidentiality Policy

Code of Conduct:

Code of Conduct 2012.jpg