Please note that I am only taking 1:1 clients via application.


The Initial Consultation (60 minutes)

Your first consultation runs for around 60 minutes. It is an information gathering session ~ we will work through your whole health picture with a fine-tooth comb in order to identify your underlying root cause. I have about 45 minutes worth of questions for you in this session. At the end, we will discuss your treatment options & decide on a course of action together. I often offer referral for testing at this appointment. In the 24-48 hours after your appointment, you will receive a treatment plan via email that outlines your treatment goals, my diet & lifestyle recommendations and any relevent testing or supplementation.

First Return Consultation (60 minutes)

This is a follow up consultation that generally occurs 2-3 weeks after your initial consultation. In this consult, we will interpret & discuss any test results that have come in since your initial consult. It is also an opportunity to collect more information regarding your health history and fine-tune your treatment plan. You can ask any questions that have come up regarding treatment & we can address any barriers that have arisen that are preventing you from implementing your plan.

Ongoing Return Consultations (30 or 45 minutes)

Return consultations are offered every 4 weeks to monitor progress, adjust your treatment plan and provide support. Ideally, as your health improves, return consults can be spaced further apart. Depending on your case, return consultations can be 30 minutes or 45 minutes in duration.

Read on for the logistical details of receiving online treatment.


With a stable internet connection, the world is at our fingertips! Why not take advantage of technology and access natural health care online as well? Here are some of the FAQs I recieve when it comes to the world of online consulting.

So how does it work?

  • Start by submitting your application to work together. I will follow up with you in 3-5 business days to confirm your next steps

  • Once the appointment has been booked you will recieve a confirmation email containing an intake form to complete

  • The email will also contain a meeting link for our private consultation video call

  • The online consultation calls are hosted on Zoom conferencing software - you can use your computer or smartphone. If using your phone (recommended) please download the Zoom app before the appointment to save time. Please make sure you have audio and video enabled.

  • At the time of the appointment, just open that meeting link from the consultation email and the consultation will begin!

  • The duration of the Initial Consultation is 60 minutes. Return consultations are 45-60 minutes in length

How are you able to provide treatment online?

  • At the end of the consultation I will explain your treatment plan to you and what you need to do over the following weeks

  • The full treatment plan is typed and emailed to you within 24 hours and will include your natural medicine prescription, dosages, dietary recommendations, lifestyle suggestions and referrals for testing if required

  • Every treatment plan is unique to you and designed to help you achieve your goals successfully

What about testing?

  • Often I will write a referral letter for you to take to your GP so that they can order tests for you under Medicare (bulk billed)

  • I am also able to refer you for functional testing which may include hair testing, stool testing, microbiome testing, hormone testing or others. These tests are an out of pocket expense so I will always discuss with you first before ordering any of these tests

  • If functional testing is required, I simply refer you online to the lab, they will mail you the testing kit with detailed instructions so that you can collect the sample at home and send it back to the lab. You pay the lab directly when you send back the sample and the results are sent to me for me to evaluate with you at the next consultation

How do you dispense the herbs and other medicines?

  • I use an online prescription service called Vital.y which allows us to access a wide range of prescription-only products including herbs, nutritional supplements and medicinal foods (a far greater range than I could keep in a physical dispensary in my office!)

  • Having access to such variety allows me to tailor treatment specifically to you - I can choose the product that is best for you, rather than choosing from limited stock that I need to move off my shelf!

  • After the consultation, you will receieve an email from Vital.y that includes a link that takes you to your personal account

  • In your personal account, your prescription will be waiting, so you can see the products I have prescribed and the cost

  • You can then review and purchase the prescribed products at your convenience - no pressure to buy during the consultation

  • Vital.y delivers your order within a few business days depending on your shipping choice (just like any other online purchase)

What about Herbal Tinctures?

  • Herbal tinctures are bespoke blends of liquid herbs that I formulate specifically for you based on your presentation and goals for treatment

  • If this is required as part of your treatment, I will discuss with you during the consultation

  • After the consult, you will be sent an invoice for the cost of the herbal tincture and express postage

  • Once the invoice has been paid, the tincture will be dispensed and mailed so that you can begin treatment as soon as possible

What is the investment?

  • Investment for the Initial Consultation is $225.00 and is to be paid at the time of booking

  • Investment for an online Return Consultation is $180.00 (60 minutes) or $135.00 (45 minutes) or $90 (30 minutes)

  • Herbal Tinctures start at $60.00 (2 week supply) and go up to $125.00 (4 week supply) plus express postage

  • The cost of other prescription products is variable as each prescription is unique to the client. In this way I am able to provide personalised medicine that is appropriate to you as an individual. Prescriptions can vary from $50-$300.

  • I provide the treatment protocol and prescription that will benefit you the most - it is totally your choice how much you invest in the prescribed products

How do I get started?

Just click the ‘APPLY’ button below!