The Anxious Brain

I am going to try my best not to get too lost in the neuroscience here and keep this introduction to your amygdala on a strictly need to know basis! The amygdala is a little part of your brain that is the centre for emotion, instinct, survival and memory. The amygdala is a quick learner and learns mainly by association, linking what our senses are experiencing to emotional responses.

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Alexandra McPhee
Blood Sugar & Anxiety

There’s a lot of signs we associate with needing to eat. Hanger, dizziness, brain fog, irritability and fatigue often trigger us to reach for food - usually the sugary kind if it’s in reach. But did you know anxiety can be a common symptom of blood sugar imbalance?

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Alexandra McPhee
Healthy Easter Chocolate

Every Easter is a battle of not giving in and eating my entire stash of Easter chocolates in one go. If you can relate to this, simply change up your chocolate game to avoid the guilt! Here’s a tried and true raw chocolate recipe that can be whipped out at Easter as well as Valentine’s day.

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Alexandra McPhee
Solar Powered Tea

I love working with the sun to create solar infusions. I choose a herbal blend and the sun does the rest! When exposed to sunshine, the herbs slowly release their medicinal properties into the water. These two elements which co-created the plant itself, coming together to produce a herby elixir! 

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Alexandra McPhee
A Naturopath Explains: Collagen Powders

Collagen powders are marketed everywhere at the moment as the latest and greatest supplemental food. Hailed as edible protection against wrinkles, lines and sagging skin, collagen powders talk a big game! So that is the logic behind the collagen claims?

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Alexandra McPhee
Vitamin D - Everything you ever wanted to know (probably)

The vitamin D/sun relationship is actually a little more complicated, and whether you’re getting enough of it is dependent on more factors than managing to leave the office at lunchtime. The level of air pollution, skin pigmentation,  geographic location, season and presence of (or lack thereof) clothing and sunscreen all affect our vitamin D status.

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Alexandra McPhee
Building a Healthy Diet

What does a ‘healthy’ diet even look like? When referring to the ‘diet’ I am talking about the foods that make up our meals. I am not talking about the ‘diet’ in a fad sense, defined by restriction and sometimes guilt.

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Alexandra McPhee