The Stress / Acne Connection (and what you can do about it)

You’ve probably noticed that your skin breaks out worse when you’re stressed. In fact, pretty much every chronic health issue is worse for stress! Stress does have benefits - the stress hormone cortisol is actually anti-inflammatory in the right circumstances - it’s just that modern day life has us under higher levels of stress, for longer. 

Isolation breakouts

Take the pandemic for example. We expect ourselves to work, maintain mental and physical health, care for our families, retain productivity and do all of this without the usual outlets for stress relief, fun and human connection that we need to stay balanced. This results in a stress response weighed heavily to one side.

Acne and stress

Stress is a major trigger for my skin. I had a fabulous couple of years of clear skin, that was pretty much un-done by a period of extreme emotional stress after a relationship breakdown. That’s because skin is a neuro-endocrine organ – it is inherently linked to the nervous system and is also able to produce its own hormones in response. It is a direct connection!

So your skin can receive messages of stress and will respond by:

  • Making your sebum thicker, stickier and more copious

  • Ramping up the production of keratin which clogs pores

  • Becoming more vulnerable to infection

  • Increasing inflammation (redness, swelling and pain)

Not only that, but when the ovaries are exposed to stress hormones over a period of time, the cells that produce testosterone get bigger. This means they can make MORE testosterone which drives hormonal acne.


How to know if your acne is stress related?

  •        Your skin is clearer in the morning and gets worse over the day

  •        You have acne AND anxiety or depression 

  •        You’ve noticed your skin flares around exam time or work deadlines

  •        Your skin is clearer when you’re happy and things are working out

  •        Your skin has broken out around an emotional or life changing event

  • Your skin is clearer on weekends and holidays


How to begin managing stress for the sake of your skin:

  • Make time for activities that relax you and bring you joy (this could be yoga, reading, drawing, walking the dog, gardening, cooking or taking a bath – whatever you like really)

  • Laughter is the best form of stress-relief! Watch a stand-up comedy, catch up with a friend who makes you laugh or try a laughing exercise

  • Limit high intensity work outs like HIIT, CrossFit, F45 or at least balance these out by including yoga, resistance training and walking in your exercise regime (NOT hot vinyasa yoga, power walking and constantly striving for a new deadlift PB… we want exercise that is gentle and relaxing, not stimulating!)

  • On that note, do not exercise after dark – darkness equals time to rest

  • Eliminate coffee as this gives a false sense of energy, perpetuates over-productivity and triggers the release of stress hormones. Try de-caf if you want, or switch to a non-caffeine option like chai

  • Prioritise sleep – get as many hours of sleep before midnight as possible

  • Take a look at the areas of your life that contribute to your stress levels. How can you grow so that you respond to these rather than react? Which relationships, tasks or expectations need to be adjusted to make them sustainable for you? Where can you implement boundaries and ask for more support?

  • Consider asking for a mental health plan from your GP for subsidised psychological support (everybody can benefit from therapy in my opinion)


Lastly, take up a mindfulness or meditation practice. This doesn’t have to mean sitting on a cushion for thirty minutes battling your mind for control. If you can sit in thoughtless serenity for half an hour, by all means, go for it. For most of us, this isn’t the place to start. Try a 5-10 minute guided meditation from YouTube, Deepak Chopra Centre or Tara Brach. Start with just a few minutes.

Mindfulness is simply the practice of focussing your attention on the present moment. That ‘present moment’ can be anything! Too often we try to multi-task. Try just doing one thing and doing it with all your attention. I like to practice mindfulness while cooking.

I focus on the feel of the vegetables.

I focus on cutting them up into equal sizes.

I breathe in the smell of cooking spices.

I watch the water bubbling.

I listen to the hiss of onions cooking in the pan.

I focus my senses on what it happening in that moment.

It’s bliss.


You can do this with gardening, the feeling of the ground beneath your body while you watch the clouds, sipping a cup of tea or doing the dishes. Gradually you will start to practice this without trying. When you are present, you are not worrying about the future or focusing on the past.

Natural supplements for stressed out skin

This article wouldn’t be complete without a word on supportive supplementation. I often prescribe herbs and nutrients for my acne clients specifically due to the role of stress on their skin. Some of my favourites include:

-       Anxiety reducing herbs

-       Adaptogens

-       Amino acids

-       Magnesium

-       Zinc

-       B vitamins

-       Vitamin C


I haven’t mentioned specifics because I don’t want you to buy a product that is not the best quality or dose that is right for you. I don’t want you to waste your money and think ‘well that didn’t work’. These interventions are incredibly powerful when used correctly and I’m trained in creating a prescription that is right for YOU. I can’t make recommendations on products, dosages or specific herbs without knowing you and your skin.


So if you’re keen to try natural supplements for stress support, please send me a DM on instagram @clearskin.bylexie or contact me to chat about your skin in more detail. In the meantime, get the foundations right and check a few free lifestyle changes off that list!

 Lexie xx

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Alexandra McPhee