8 Rituals You Can Start Doing Today to Improve Your Skin


Naturopath approved rituals to start your journey to clearer skin. Commit to 6 weeks of these easy and simple tricks and monitor the improvements to your skin! Before and after photos are the best way to measure changes. Don’t forget to congratulate yourself every time you tick off another day of skin rituals!

1.    Stop whatever you’re doing and go drink a large glass of water

Filtered if possible, room temperature is best. Water is needed to hydrate all your cells, not just your skin cells. It’s also needed for detoxification and elimination of waste products that the body sometimes tries to get rid of via the skin! A general calculation for your water intake is to multiply your weight in kilograms by 0.03. A 60kg person should aim for 1.8-2L per day.

2.    Eat ¼ cup of raw organic pumpkin seeds (pepita seeds) per day

Pumpkin seeds are rich in minerals like zinc which we need for skin repair. They’re also filled with fibres and proteins for feeding the gut bacteria and detoxifying sex hormones.

3.    Alternate between cool and warm water at the end of your shower

Not hot, not icy cold. Just cool and warm water. Spend a couple of minutes alternating between the temperatures – it encourages blood flow and lymph draining for glowing skin.

4.    Remove make up thoroughly before using cleansers/toners

When was the last time you changed your pillow case? Be honest…

When was the last time you changed your pillow case? Be honest…

Use a water wipe (alcohol free) to clean off any cosmetics before cleansing your skin with any special products. Toners are especially astringent and you don’t want to trap any residue in your skin!

5.    Change your pillow-case weekly

Your pillow-case is touching your face for (hopefully) 7-8 hours out of every 24. Given that sebum and bacteria from your skin are going to be in contact with it, it’s important to keep it clean so that you are not transferring bacteria everynight!

6.    Drink spearmint tea every day

Spearmint tea has been demonstrated to help reduce the levels of androgens like testosterone that are in blood circulation. 1-2 cups per day is great. Choose an organic loose-leaf tea as this will be of higher quality and potency.

7.    Don’t pop your pimples or pick at your skin

It’s more likely to scar and leave your skin permanently damaged. Avoiding touching your face and breaking the skin as much as possible.

8.    Eliminate all cow’s milk products for 6 weeks.

This includes milk, cheese, yoghurt, ice cream, cream, milk solids in snack foods etc. Opt for coconut milk or goat’s milk alternatives.


Extra tip – Book an appointment to get a personalised treatment plan for your skin!

We spend an hour talking about all aspects of your health and what the underlying drivers of your acne is. It’s the best way to make sure you are investing money in the right things! It also takes the guesswork out for you.

Want more of my best clear skin secrets?

Alexandra McPhee