My Top 5 Herbs for Digestive Bliss

We Naturopaths subscribe to the belief that good health starts in the gut. If there are digestive symptoms present, it’s highly likely that other areas of health are also imbalanced.

In the case of a chronically upset digestive system, other symptoms like anxiety, depression, skin issues, poor immunity, impaired sleep and low energy levels often follow.

The reasons for this are various - the body is a complex place!

Worrying about your digestion can really affect your quality of life.

Worrying about your digestion can really affect your quality of life.

On the most basic level, if inflammation is present in the gut, or there is difficulty breaking down and digesting food, the body cannot absorb and make use of the nutrients you’re eating. Given that vitamins and minerals (as well as carbs, protein and fat) are the building blocks for so many body tissues and functions, good digestion is vital for maintaining health.

Eating is something that most of us do multiple times a day.

If eating food is causing your gut to react with pain or discomfort, it’s trying to tell you something! It can be awful to deal with these symptoms day after day - but it is not normal and there are actions you can take that can help. If you find yourself worried about eating out or with friends because of your digestion, it’s time to seek help.

Some common digestive issues I see in clinic:

  • Bloating

  • Tenderness

  • Cramping or stabbing pains

  • Diarrhoea

  • Constipation

  • Alternating between diarrhoea and constipation

  • Feeling sick after fatty or protein dense meals

  • Reflux / heartburn

  • Nausea

  • Low appetite

  • Bad taste in the mouth

  • Bad breath

  • Gas / Flatulence

  • Dairy intolerance

  • Gluten intolerance

  • FODMAP sensitivity

This list is not exhaustive and sometimes the gut can be inflamed or not functioning optimally with no signs or symptoms whatsoever! This is where taking a detailed case history is important as part of the consultation process. By exploring all areas of health, together we can identify whether your digestion is playing a role in other symptoms or conditions.

So if you do experience one or more of the above symptoms, what can I as a Naturopath do to help? Digestive issues often respond well to a tailored herbal medicine approach. This may mean compounding a blend of high quality liquid herbs that target the underlying mechanisms that are causing your symptoms. It may also mean taking further investigations to explore food allergies/sensitivities, gut bacteria diversity, potential parasitic infections or other root causes.

My Top 5 Herbs for Improving Digestion:

Matricaria chamomilla (Chamomile)

Matricaria chamomilla (Chamomile)


Chamomile is soothing and indicated for bloating, diarrhoea, digestive pain, food intolerances and digestive symptoms that are worse for stress. It’s also a classic herb for digestive complaints in children, given it’s gentle nature.

Lemon Balm

Lemon Balm is Chamomile’s twin, only instead of being warming to the system, it has a cooling effect. I often prescribe Lemon Balm where anxiety with heart palpitations is also present alongside digestive symptoms. It’s highly indicated for excessive flatulence and has the added bonus of being a potent defense against viruses such as the cold sore virus, herpes and glandular fever.


Gentian is an incredibly bitter and low dose herb. It increases the secretion of saliva and stomach acid to help with the break down of food and increase appetite. In combination with ginger, it helps to regulate intestinal motility (the speed at which food moves through the intestine) which can be helpful for normalising the frequency of bowel movements.


Ginger is hot! So spicy that you only need a few drops for it to do it’s thing. It counteracts the coldness of Gentian and relieves nausea, cramping and bloating. It stimulates the cells in the stomach that secrete acid to help break down food. It’s also anti-inflammatory and great for increasing digestive fire!


Dandelion is a common weed in these parts - it seems to thrive even in dirty or polluted areas. The root of the dandelion plant is a particularly old-school remedy for improving liver function. Dandelion is traditionally used to help detoxify the liver as well as stimulate the flow of bile, which is required for the digestion of fats. It’s another extremely bitter herb!

These are just five of the many medicinal herbs that are available for optimising digestion and easing symptoms. Some other favourites include:

  • Vervain

  • Cinnamon

  • Peppermint

  • Schisandra

  • Pomegranate

  • Boldo

  • Barberry

  • Licorice

Herbal medicine is a personalised approach and if you do experience digestive issues, it is important to seek advice from a qualified Naturopath or Herbalist rather then self-prescribing. Herbs are natural but powerful and should be consumed with care. A Naturopath will be able to recommend a treatment approach that is safe, efficient and the best blend for you and your health.

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Disclaimer: This article is for educational purposes and is not intended to be interpreted as advice, to diagnose or treat any condition. Always seek advice from a qualified health professional if you experience digestive issues or complaints, or if you have any concerns whatsoever about your health. If you experience abdominal pain, seek advice from a medical practitioner.

Alexandra McPhee