Skin Survival Guide ~ Christmas Edition!

So you’ve been good ALL YEAR and all you want for Christmas is clear skin.

I hear you. Mariah Carey needs to get with the program and release a new single (All I Want for Christmas is You Slightly Less Acne Thank You)

Unfortunately this time of year presents many challenges for those of us with a tendency towards acne & breakouts. You’ve got the trifecta: sugar, alcohol & the stress of rushing around, meeting family expectations, driving long distances to cram in festivities & let’s not forget Christmas shopping.

It’s enough to make anyone breakout.

If you’ve been good all year and plan on letting loose over Christmas then here’s my skin survival guide to see you through!

I’ve pulled together the full spectrum of hacks that I employ during every silly season to keep my skin happy… Take what you need!

Firstly, leave the guilt at home…

Even at Christmas you have a choice. You can eat all the food, drink all the drinks and enjoy it OR you can do the aforementioned and then feel guilty and berate yourself. Guilt is a useless emotion - if you are choosing to eat foods that flare up your skin, make an empowered choice and enjoy it, sans shame.

If your skin flares up, remember…

It’s likely that no one but you notices your skin. Even if somebody DOES notice, they aren’t forming a negative opinion about you. That’s something we do all by ourselves. If family or friends comment on your skin or try to offer unsolicited advice, you aren’t obligated to explain anything, you can simply say something like: “Yep I’m working on it - how’s your dog?” CHANGE THE SUBJECT.

Flare ups are temporary (they still suck so here are some ways to deal with them):

Two words. DAMAGE. CONTROL. If you are going to go to town on known acne triggers then be prepared for the consequences - yep, you may have a flare up. It’s up to you to decide if the indulgence is worth it! If it is, great. If not… there you go.

You can help to settle flare ups by bringing in some anti-inflammatory damage control!

Here are some ways to mop up during & after the festivities:

  • Increasing your water intake & to help your body process sugar, alcohol etc

  • Introducing 20mL Aloe Vera juice in the mornings to support your gut & reduce inflammation

  • Double down on your anti-inflammatory supplements like fish oil and probiotics (literally double down - if you take one probiotic a day, take a second dose at the other end of the day - check label dosage & consult your prescribing practitioner if in doubt)

  • Increasing your intake of anti-inflammatory and alkalising green leafy vegetables to counter the richer holiday foods

  • Taking ginger root tea 1-3 cups a day as a nice anti-inflammatory (grate 1cm fresh ginger root & steep for 10 mins before sipping or make 500mL and sip all day)

  • Taking a cup of organic beef bone broth to support your gut lining

Having some tools & tricks up your sleeve can always be helpful to negate any Christmas related breakouts but you’ll feel better too, knowing you have some practical actions to take for your skin’s sake.

More than anything, know that it will pass. Enjoying your Christmas won’t put you months & months backwards on your healing journey, just as a week of ideal eating won’t change your life either.

Oh and for the love of skin PLEASE don’t forget to take your supplements! Often just when you need them most, you’ll be the least consistent with your remedies. Don’t choose Christmas to take a break from your prescription.

You’re steering your own ship - don’t be swayed by pressure from other people

If you don’t even enjoy the classic Christmas food but always end up pressured into eating Aunt Gladys’ triple decker Pine-Lime-Chocolate Trifle Cheesecake, set your boundaries and just don’t go there.

Many times other people are uncomfortable with your healthy food choices because they judge themselves against you. In my experience the people who feel the need to comment on your food choices, accuse you of eating “rabbit food” etc etc are simply not particularly happy with their own standard of eating or health. That has nothing to do with you.

You do your thing and stand your ground if you’re choosing not to eat junk this year.

You can also say something like: “I’m working on my health and would really love your support, please don’t ask me to try it again but thank you for offering some to me!”

The Garnish Trick!

Just because it’s Christmas doesn’t mean you have to over-indulge. It’s not the law. It doesn’t mean you have to completely miss out either! You can fill your plate with a little of everything (even the puddings) & call it a day. Load up your plate with the healthier stuff first, the meats, salads, veggie dishes etc and then add the the other less healthy dishes as a garnish (rather than making them the main event)

The garnish trick changed my life - pop the cheeky stuff on TOP of the good stuff.

Same goes for desserts.

BYO Skin Friendly Dishes!

No one needs to know that you’ve intentionally brought sugar-free, dairy-free, wheat-free options. There are tons of recipes online that just happen to omit these major skin triggers and if you do it right, no one will guess you’re secretly trying to healthily Christmas. Even the pickiest eaters can get around a good Chococado Mousse.

A word on the booze…

“Hey Lexie, I know alcohol triggers my skin so is there an alcohol that won’t flare up my acne?”

One of the most common questions I get is about alcohol. Why can some people get slizzard every weekend and maintain crystal clear skin when one glass of Pinot breaks me out!? It’s the million dollar question and I’m not going to address it here. I’m just going to say…

No amount of alcohol is healthy. Sorry. It’s technically a poison and it’s like, against the Naturopathic oath to recommend alcohol.

BUT I will say… that if you are going to have a drink or three, then you’re better off opting for lower sugar drinks. That means swapping wine, cider, beer & alcopops for things like:

  • Gin & soda with fresh cucumber & lime juice

  • Vodka lime soda with mint or experiement with other fresh herbs & citrus

  • Ask for cocktails without the sugar syrup and opt for ones with no sweet liqeurs

  • Adding fresh berries & other fruit or edible flowers to your drinks (everyone will want one of your bougie & aesthetically pleasing creations)

Lastly, OWN YOUR CHOICES. Do whatever you like - but don’t allow yourself to feel like a victim if your skin breaks out after 4 candy canes & 15 pina coladas. The breakouts will pass & how you feel is your choice <3

Your skin isn’t out to get you. Acne isn’t personal. It isn’t a reflection of your worth a human. It’s just a sign from your body that something’s out of whack.

Alexandra McPhee